Falmouth, Jamaica

Jan. 5, 2023

I’ve had an inauspicious beginning to this blog. My first challenge was to get Holland’s IT department to open their firewall for my site. That took six days and they no sooner completed that when we lost the Internet connection. We were without Internet access across most of the Pacific, about eight days. After that, Covid struck, and we were out of commission for another ten days. Hopefully, the stars are now in alignment and will remain so for the rest of the trip. So, we shall begin with a brief stop in Jamaica.

Jamaica is an island country of the West Indies. It is the third largest island in the Caribbean Sea, after Cuba and Hispaniola. Jamaica is about 146 miles long and varies from 22 to 51 miles wide. It is situated some 100 miles west of Haiti, 90 miles south of Cuba, and 390 miles northeast of the nearest point on the mainland, Cape Gracias a Dios, on the Caribbean coast of Central America. The national capital is Kingston. Here are several photos:

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